We can provide a full array of Effects for your VR Experience!
Overhead FX
- Spritz
- Mist
- Wind
- Air Blast
- Heat (Dragon’s Breath)
Guest Level FX
- Spritz
- Mist
- Wind
- Air Blast
- Scent
Floor Level FX
- Motion Floor *
- Air Blasts *
- Leg Ticklers *
- Water Spritz *
- Low-Frequency Rumble *
- Vibration *
- Scent *
* Our Sensory Floor System has these Floor Level FX effects incorporated in a modular system. We can also assist you in incorporating these effects into your existing facility floor.
4D VR Sensory Effects provide atmospheric enhancements to your VR or Non VR experience. We currently offer Scent, Water Spritz and Water Mist effects as “off the shelf” effects. We also offer a Portable Pump System to supply our water effects.
We can also provide custom effects for your experience.
Scent FX
- Disburses scent into an area
- Uses a single 110V valve to operate
- Can be filled and refilled with any desired scent pellets
- Can be used with a fan to help carry the scent farther
- Works great with a DMX control relay
- Optional mounting bracket
Approximate Single Nozzle Assembly Size: 17″ x 2″ x 4″
Spritz FX
- Produces a 110 degree spray of heavier water droplets
- Spray can travel up to 7’ out while mounted 6’ off the ground using our Portable Pump System
- Uses a single 110V valve
- Works with our Portable Pump System
- Works great with a DMX control relay
- Optional mounting bracket
Approximate Single Nozzle Assembly Size: 6″ x 3″ x 2″
Mist FX
- Produces a 45 degree spray of fine mist
- Uses a single 110V valve
- Works with our Portable Pump System
- Works great with a DMX control relay
- Optional mounting bracket
Approximate Single Nozzle Assembly Size: 6″ x 3″ x 2″
Air Blast FX
- Fires a concentrated blast of air roughly 6” in diameter
- Throw distance is roughly 6’ Feet
- Uses a single 110V valve to operate
- Works great with a DMX control relay
- Optional mounting bracket
Approximate Single Nozzle Assembly Size: 12″ x 2″ x 4″
Portable Pump System
- Operates using 110V power
- Can provide enough pressure to drive 8 of our Mist effects
- Can provide enough pressure to drive 8 of our Spritz effects for up to 3 seconds
- Draws water from a standard 5 gallon water jug
Approximate Size including 5 gallon water jug: 24″ x 24″ x 12″
Projects that have utilized some of our VR Sensory Effects
Contact Us for pricing and question regarding how we can integrate our VR Sensory Effects into your experience.